2018.10.23.C - Un Don pour Chapelle des Templiers St.-Ambroise; Patrimoine de la Noblesse et non pas la Notre

For French Viewers
Un Don pour Chapelle des Templiers St.-Ambroise; Patrimoine de la Noblesse et non pas la Notre

Pour vos dons à l'Ordre des pauvres Templiers: bfcdijon@fondation-patrimoine.org mairiedebusserotte@orange.fr mugniergaec@wanadoo.fr (Maire de Montenaille Jean-Marie Mugnier) Pour plus d'informations la documentaire "Enfer Suisse Satanique": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABjgiY_sHck

2018.10.23.B - The Poor Knights Templars and their Combined Descendants need our Money for their Heritage

The Poor Knights Templars and their Combined Descendants need our Money for their Heritage

Central Intelligence Agency Published on Oct 23, 2018

My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is swisstorture@gmail.com, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil" URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-BFmn2S_jU

2018.10.23.A - Nocturnal Infiltration French Castles with Lots of Knights Templars Beer & More Templar Commanderies

Nocturnal Infiltration French Castles 
with Lots of Knights Templars Beer 
& More Templar Commanderies

Central Intelligence Agency Published on Oct 23, 2018

My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is swisstorture@gmail.com, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil" URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-BFmn2S_jU


Our Agent going Rogue AWOL: 


. . . and Pharaoh said, this will be our red and white neutral territory of the Red and the White House lineage, where we will never make war, because it will be our base, where we will hide all our precious goods as in the old times of the pyramids; the centre of power will be there through all ngo's, banks and Swiss Octogon Nazi Templars . . . . .

Interview with Dr. Sean Hross on Truth Warrior - TFR David Whitehead

Interview with Dr. Sean Hross 
on Truth Warrior 
TFR David Whitehead


Sean is a political prisoner in Switzerland and exposer of the pharaonic Templar banking elite in Switzerland. He is most known for his films on youtube The Pharaoh Show, and Octogon The Empire of Darkness. This show exposes the high level organized criminal mafia that funds and creates wars for profit and political control both historically and presently, and the global banking system which declares war on each of us every single day.

Interview with Dr. Sean Hross - WBAI 99.5 FM New York

WBAI 99.5 FM New York telephone interview November 2017
Dr. Sean Hross
WBAI 99.5 FM New York Interview


On this show, we’ve talked in depth about the idea that most of us are subjugated into a modern slave system but with a vague reference to the power structures using terms such as bankers or elites. Our guest Dr. Sean Hross brings a tighter focus on those terms through his research exposing the world’s most dangerous mafia, the Pharistocracy. He says, we are their slaves, and they rule the world. Their base is Switzerland. According to Sean’s research, the last stronghold of the Templars fell on May 18th, 1291, two months later Switzerland was founded. The Templar treasure was hidden in Switzerland, through which the Swiss banks were founded and all subsequent and future wars financed. Sean Hross also points out that the families currently in places of control within the Swiss banking system’s upper tiers have bloodline connections to ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. Hence Sean’s use of the term Pharistocracy. 

Guest Dr. Sean Hross has been producing hundreds of videos exposing the symbolism, art, monuments, memorials throughout major cities in Europe but you’ll also get rare glimpses into the backyards of mansions. Some of his visual work reveals hidden courtyards festooned with bloodline crests and occultist artwork. As you may have guessed, producing and uploading this level of high quality video exposing the secret Swiss aristocracy and the real connections with the global banking system has come at a high price. Dr. Sean Hross has been a political prisoner in Switzerland, he was tortured while in prison and has been homeless for two years. He does need help currently as you will hear in this interview.

Octagon the Empire of Darkness

Octagon the Empire of Darkness


The Templar`s treasure was hidden in Switzerland, with which the Swiss banks were founded and out of the Templars came the freemasons. The Pharaohs are still there and are ruling the world through secret societies, and the Pharaoh and his army disappeared in the sea" . . . The sea of peoples that is, through mixing they are amongst us on all key positions, and Switzerland is their biggest base; the home of the Templars. This is why their flag shows a simplified Templar`s flag in exactly the same colors.

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